If you want a custom email address using your own
domain name, such as: you@your-company.com,
you've come to the right site. A custom email address
using your own company's
domain name gives
you that professional appearance using your own brand
name instead of your ISPs. You can show your custom
email address on your advertising media such as brochures
or business cards. Not only does a custom email address
project a more positive image to your customers than a
hotmail account, it can also serve as an incredibly
powerful communication tool. Customers can contact you
through your company email address to ask for
information regarding
your products, or for assistance,
and you can quickly
respond to assist them.
And when you decide that you want to host your email here,
you'll find that your email account comes fully loaded with
rich features that can save you time, and give you peace of
mind. For example, every email account here comes with
POP3 and WebMail service. POP3 allows you to read,
reply, and track your emails extremely fast using an email
program such as Outlook. If you get a lot of emails, and
would really like to save a whole lot of time,
POP3 is definitely the solution to your email problems.
On the other hand, WebMail service allows you to check
domain's emails through a web site. The advantage
of WebMail is that you can check your
domain's email
through any web browser from anywhere in the world.
WebMail is very useful for people who are not always at
one location. For example, you could use webmail to
check email from your friend's house, from another office,
or even at the public library. Because 123cheapdomains
offers both POP3 and WebMail, it gives you a business
advantage over your competitors by allowing you more
flexibility regarding how, where, and when you can
communicate through email.
You may know that getting an email account here offers
you more convenience and saves you time. But did you
know that this email account can also give you some
peace of mind. Our email accounts come with
anti-virus filtering built-in. This protect you from
catching or sending out email viruses.
Now, anti-virus protection might be what you want,
and may look attractive, but there is another feature
that you may not be aware of yet that you really
should have to protect yourself.
It is called "SSL" (Secure Socket Layer).As you read this, and
find yourself becoming
more curious now, read more below and
let us explain what SSL encryption is
and what it can do for you.
You will be glad that we did.
Read on below.

Did you know that every time you hit the send/receive
button to download your email via POP3 through any
mail program, your login and password is
sent to the mail server in plain text that is easily
readable to humans? This means anyone listening
in between your computer and your email server can
see your login and password in plain text as it is
traveling across the internet.
If you like to protect
yourself from this security problem, we recommend
that you start encrypting your
POP3 session through
SSL (Secure Socket Layer),
so that eave dropping
becomes virtually impossible.
Inside most POP3 email programs such as Outlook,
Eudora, or Netscape Mail, there is a setting for you
to enable SSL over POP3. However, the SSL setting
will generate an error message and will not work
if your email service provider does not support
SSL encryption over POP3. Most email providers
lack support for it, whereas, every email account at
123cheapdomains supports SSL over POP3
and not just SSL over WebMail.
Now, you're probably wondering if regular POP3
email accounts is so insecure,
why do people
still use it?
Part of the problem grew out of the fact that
most people never knew regular POP3
alone is so insecure, otherwise, they might
have turned to an alternative solution
to protect themselves. As the internet evolves,
the public is just starting to learn how to protect
themselves. Just like how you would use
a firewall to protect against hackers,
anti-virus software to protect against malicious code,
you would use SSL encrypted email from
123cheapdomains.com to prevent people
from getting your
login and password and
reading your email.
How is 123cheapdomains Email Accounts Different?
What makes 123cheapdomains stand out
from every other email service provider is that
we offer the ability to use SSL encryption with all
our email accounts. Most email providers do not
provide email that is compatible with SSL,
and so checking the "enable ssl connection" button
inside your Outlook or Eudora email program will just
end up giving you an error message in those cases,
and still leave your email unprotected.
Unless any email provider specifically indicates in
clear print that they support SSL enabled email
over POP3, they probably do not support it.
123cheapdomains.com is one of the extremely
few email service providers who offers
SSL encryption protection.
This sounds like advance stuff. How easy is it
to get my email up and running under my own
domain name.
Even if you are new to all this, your email was
designed to be easy to setup and use. If you can
click a few buttons, type on your keyboard,
you can definitely make this email work.
We have detailed step by step directions
that are easy to follow. If you ever need help
with making your email work, you can be
sure that we will personally walk you through
it over the phone.
See how easy it is to configure your email.
Click here to take a sneak peak at the detailed
directions that you will be using later to
configure your email securely right after you sign
up for an email account here.
Click Here To Learn More About Domain Email

Anyone can get email to work here -
If you have a domain name in mind that you want
to use it for email only, you can do that here.
Or if you already have a web site up
under your domain, but would prefer for
us to handle your email part instead.
That can easily be done without any disruption
to your current web site.
Efficiency - You can be more productive
using our email system to answer your clients
emails faster.
Security - Your email account comes with
secure POP3 (SPOP3) and secure SMTP
so that you can read or send email privately
from programs such as Microsoft Outlook,
Eudora, or Netscape Mail.
All email is securely encrypted and unreadable
while in transit to the destination.
Cheaper - Its tens of times cheaper to
all your companies email over to us than to deal
with the large upfront expenses of running your own
email server, and to hire technicians to maintain
your email. The price of email here is just
$1.66 per month per mailbox, and the
uptime is fantastic.
Increase Flexibility - You or your
can answer their email from anywhere there is
an internet connection. They can do it via
Web Mail using a regular web browser
such as Netscape or Internet Explorer, or
they can go through their mail program
such as Outlook, Eudora, or Netscape Mail.
This allows your your employees the
convenience of being able to read email
either at the office, at home, or while
traveling. Why wait for an email when you
can see it right then and there.
Support - You get questions answered by
people who understand technology at a deeper
level than what you would normally see at most
companies. If you are already a existing domain
registration customer of 123cheapdomains.com,
you may have notice that we usually are
very consistent and speedy in answering all requests
for help. With our email services, you can expect
the exact same level of dedication.
Big Storage Space -
You get a generous 250 MB per mail box to
store your emails. Hotmail only gives you
2 MB. If you need more space, it is expandable
up to 20 MB.
Upgradeable Anytime -
You can get email now an can upgrade
later as your organization grows,
since we specialize it customizing
email solutions.
Easy To Use -
Whether you are a person just starting out for
the very first time, or an experienced email user,
you'll find your email account here to be very simple
to use and extremely powerful. Most of the
hard work of properly enabling your email
account for SSL encryption has already been
done on our server end. This leaves all the
easy parts to you.
You get a better email account here than what
the average internet user might have:
Your email account here has been built from the
ground up for security, reliability, and speed.
This leaves you with more time to concentrate
on friends, family, or taking care of clients.
With this email account, you get something much
better than what the average email user probably
has, and that is all because you now enjoy the
comfort and protection of SSL encryption.
SSL encryption has been used by knowledgeable
internet professionals to protect their login and
passwords for years. However, until
123cheapdomains.com came along, no other
email provider has offered SSL encryption
with their email packages at a reasonable price.
Most email providers currently do not even
offer SSL with their POP3 accounts.
This is what makes our service stand out.
Free Protection From Email Viruses -
Every email you send or receive is scanned
by the mail server for viruses. This means
that you will be shielded from accidentally
catching an email virus yourself.
Your friends, family, or customers will not
be able to catch a email virus if you unknowingly
sent out a virus to people on your list.
With our email service, you are automatically
protected from catching and sending
viruses automatically, which saves you time.
You do not have to do anything to enable it.
Anti-Virus Definitions Are Updated Daily
The work of updating your the anti-virus definitions
are done daily on our end to give you maximum
protection from newly discovered virus.
We do the work, you get the benefit.
Why is Anti Virus Important?
You may already be aware that you can not
always keep track of the email habits of
all the people within your company, or
the people within your household.
Thus, it would be very hard for you to
shield the people you know from catching
or spreading an annoying email virus by mistake
that can take down your computer for
days, and possibly steal your companies
sensitive information. However, there is
an easy solution to all this. If your employees
or family members host their email with
123cheapdomains.com, every piece of
email they download or send will be
automatically scanned for viruses transparently,
and email viruses are automatically blocked.
The result is that everyone gets some peace
of mind, and everyone feels good about it.
Free SMTP Relay Service -
If you have an ISP who does not supply SMTP relay
service, or is unreliable with delivering your emails,
you can use our SMTP service instead to solve that
problem. This is also another example of the
extra service that we include with our email service
that quite a few providers leave out.
So you're probably wondering how much
does custom domain email service cost?
Our email packages are value priced at:
$19.95 per year per mailbox. This basically
breaks down to just $1.66 per month
per mailbox. As you read this, you'll probably
also notice that our price is significantly cheaper
than what most other companies charge for
email packages with even less email features.
Note: We have a step-by-step guide
on this
web site that anyone can follow to get
their domain email up and running very quickly.
Also, there is a intelligent trouble shooting tool
that can diagnosis and tell you exactly how to
solve your email configuration problem in detail.
Keep in mind that if you ever need good help
with your email account here, we will definitely
take our time to help you solve it.
Get more service, better features, and
a better value for your money right here.
Click here to get your email account now.